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We are on Google first 1st page in 2 months:case study

how do you get on the first page of google.Best method to take your website to the first page google with use of meta tag,backlink,social bookmarking,comments.

We are on Google first 1st page in 2 months:case study
We are on Google first 1st page in 2 months:case study

A complete step by step process to get on the top of google search engine results:case study and best internet marketing article ever.Thanks to google first for throwing us on google's first page.i am writing this article after the success of our blog which is Bestofshayari and our 10 posts are on google's first page.i read various article about "how to be on google's first page" but truly nothing helped me in great way so i decided to do it in my own way and believe me it really worked.belive me this methods are very basic to be on the first page google and very basic for a new blogger who always asks me "how do you get on the first page of google".if you follow these above mentioned methods soon you will be on the first page google.

Before that i would like you to state that i also visited pages like "Get your website on first page of google and yahoo" and many more like this. but you know many websites does not tell you all the secrets because of one fear and that is insecurity ,but today we are going to explore all the secrets of how do you get on the first page of google after hard work ,yes it is true there is no any shortcut but i will explain you the hard work in easy way and get you top on the first page lets start.

(1)Collect Meta tags to be on the first page google.

First thing that you have to do is collecting meta tags.lots of webmasters says that meta tags are not as important but in reality they lie.meta tags are still a very important part of google search engines.when Google search engines scan your websites or blogs they look for your meta tags also even it is said by matt cutts(google engineer !!yes very rich!! ).who has described in a video explains how do you get on the first page of google.

I explain you this by one example what you do when you read a book first you go on to index page and than checks out the content of the book your meta tags and labels are like the index list of your website or blog. you want to learn what is meta tag and what is label.ok so now questions is how to get relevant and good meta tags for your website or go to google or any search engine and type any thing that you are interested in like "cell phone signatures"now you can see the results .that post is on the first page google.

Than open website and right click anywhere and click view-source now you are able to see their meta tags.simple copy them on notepad file and do more research for many websites meta tag now write your article keeping in mind those meta tags and now i can assure you that soon you will be on google's first page.

(2)Social Bookmarking through my way to be on the first page of google.

Yes, i have also used facebook, twitter, digg stumbleupon and google plus for the marketing of my blog and to get on the top of google search results. but i have done little bit in different way .suppose you crested a post for how to become reach in network marketing than remember when you share such post on social bookmarking websites you have to write it very cleverly like rather writing "how to become reach in network marketing" you must write !!!SECRET How i got success in network marketing !!!i did many such tricks to get traffic for Bestofshayari now even you can see the difference,you are more attracted towards the second one ,thats it and one more thing it does not affect your main link,because when you share any post on facebook or any other site they allow you to edit the title and description of your post there you can edit them in more way and can attract lots of visitors to your blog.

And the same thing can be done with other social bookmarking sites these tricks will solve your questions which is how do you get on the first page of google.

(3)How comments brought us traffic and put us first page google.

Yes we posted comments very differently not like the others like you are very interesting you are skilled blogger .NEVER dot that because no one like them always use simple comments like what you feel about their websites not only good things but at least one bed will force viewers to focus on your comment and the chances are higher to get clicked on link and get unlimited commenting and even comment on non relevant blog.

This is a totally false opinion that you must always get links from relevant websites well i would have followed such opinion i could never get on google first page or front after few posts on my blog i used to start comment on every blog and websites which have comment options i actually did not see even the page rank of websites i just started commenting in bulk with my blog link and the result is my blog is on first page of google.

So in the start for success don't think too much about page rank and relevancy but just try to get traffic any way and soon your pages are get indexed by google than you don't have to worry about traffic and may be by the grace of Google you will be on the first page google.

(4) Traffic from social bookmarking website puts you higher in (SERP)search engine results pages ,Here is the proof whe we are on the first page google.

Yes it is true is you are getting high traffic from social bookmarking sites or social community sites than surely in one week you will be higher in google search results i am not telling this anyway i have proof for this .well in my blog ,we posted one post named as cell phone signatures and the result was lots of people clicked on the link and in two months that single post has more than 1000 page views and in google search results you can type "CUTE CELL PHONE SIGNATURE","FUNNY CELL PHONE SIGNATURES" and many more keyword like this and you will see is on the top and not only top it has google one rank in (SERP).so this way i am on first page google.

I am also exclaimed how did this happen but i when i made a research on that topic knew that it is all because of social bookmarking rather than making comments and struggling for backlink you must go on to social bookmarking websites in order to be on the google first page.and believe me it will work.and you will be amazed and would answer of the question which says "how to get on the google first page" well why on the first page be on the 1st first rank in google search results.

(5)One simple way to get backlinks in fair and legit way which plays main role to be first page google.

I am telling you this secret well because of this lots of webmasters and developer would be angry because i am telling you not only the way but also how to use them for good search results and get on the first page of google.and that way is register your website or blog into sites like giving website information,there are many website which will register your website and as you register your website in two three days when you will search your website in google by typing domain name of your website than you will see they are showing your site details .

And hence you got backlinks.i cant tell you the names of website here if you will add comment than i will be able to tell you the few websites which register your website and give you backlinks soon. so please comment me.and i hope you have found the answer of the questions for how to get on the google first page ..belive me this methods are very basic to be on the first page google and very basic for a new blogger who always asks me "how do you get on the first page of google".if you follow these above mentioned methods soon you will be on the first page google.


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