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What is a Link Disavow Tool

Google has come up with a new Google Disavow Link, to save your website if you have been spanked by Google’s Penguin update. This tool is designed with an intent to help website owners who has suffered because of Black Hat SEO techniques. Now you can ask disavow tool to overlook any spam links backlinked to your website.

What is a Link Disavow Tool
What is a Link Disavow Tool

Why is it used?

If your website is being manhandled by unethical black hat SEO backlinking techniques, then Disavow Tool will be very helpful to clean those spam backlinks and eventually, your website will race up the ranks. The basic work of Disavow Tool is to allow you to tell Google not to consider bad links that backlinks to your site. Whether you have done this yourself or conned by a Black Hat SEO, this tools lets you provide Google a list of links that you do not want to consider anymore. 

However, Google does not consider your request as a must-do, rather, it considers your request as a very strong suggestion and analyze the links themselves before placing them in the ignore list. This tool is used to remove all kinds of blog spam, tinned spam, comment spam, low quality links and any other unsavory links. If Google’s Penguin update has led to penalization of your website because of these bad links, this tool will help you get back on your own feet.

How to use this tool?

In order to use Disavow Tool, you need to login as an “Owner” in Google’s Webmaster Tool. Now you can access Disavow Links page. Once you are on this page, you can upload a simple text file with all the links and domains that you want Google to ignore. You can any time edit this page buy downloading this text file and re-editing it. But, you need to be very careful in doing so and should be very careful about disavowing a link because once a link is disavowed, it takes very long to re-avow that link. Even if Google reconsider a link, Google might not give the link, same consideration as in the past.

Effect of Disavow Tool

To start with, this is not a regular Mom & Dad Tool with a website and who like to do casual SEO. This tool is for power users and business owners who have been severely slapped by Google’s search engine’s new algorithm and need to sweep off stale and unfit links to climb up on website ranking. This tool is supposed to be used with caution or else, it can have a devastating impact on your Google page rank. If you are unfortunately attacked by black hat SEOs and you are suffering with tons of bad backlinks, Disavow Tool could be a savior.

Authored by Sarah Bruce. An SEO analyst, who predominantly works on removing Negative feedback from websites, Do you wish to Remove negative reviews about your Business/Services?

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